Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A small animation, of sorts

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all =) I haven't done much artwork over the holidays but I have been playing around with my wacom tablet a little bit, it's super cool.

Although this video is obviously all rubbish (that's if it's actually uploaded onto here), I've never done any kind of animation before, in fact, I didn't even realise you could do animations in photoshop. Either way I had a crack at it and it came out all weird and pixel-ly but still, something new to play with. It's more of a plan for another, proper animation that I want to do with a paper cut that I'm going to cut into and scan a lot and then reverse the order so it looks like it's growing.

Anyway, I hope to post a much better one here mid-term time, so hopefully you'll see many improvements.

Kind Regards and Happy Holidays =) xx


  1. You shouldn't sell your self short as a first piece its pretty good and intresting. I look forward to seeing the paper cut one. Its an intresting way to go with your art work.

  2. nice beginnig thou. and it is also important to have in mind at least 80% of what your animation should look like, before you start. otherwise you can easily get lost after having spent a zilion hours of work....
    don't stop!
