Been following your blog for a while now. I have really enjoyed seeing your style evolve. I think I'd be able to spot your style among others now. Good luck with the fliers.
Thank you very much. I often wonder if anyone looks at my blog and whether it's a good use of my time, but I've now decided it is. If one person could recognise my work because of it, then it's worth it. Kind Thanks.
Looking good the use of light and colour adds a nice dynamic to your work and when viewed close up the lines of the paper cut are crisp and neat. Your work just gets better :)
Been following your blog for a while now. I have really enjoyed seeing your style evolve.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd be able to spot your style among others now. Good luck with the fliers.
Thank you very much. I often wonder if anyone looks at my blog and whether it's a good use of my time, but I've now decided it is. If one person could recognise my work because of it, then it's worth it. Kind Thanks.
DeleteStacey x
Looking good the use of light and colour adds a nice dynamic to your work and when viewed close up the lines of the paper cut are crisp and neat. Your work just gets better :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, always lovely to hear from you. Hope you and your boy are well =) xx