Monday, 17 September 2012

Impulse Collective

Poster for the lovely bunch at Impulse Collective 

New Header for Website/Blog. 
Haven't up my mind up about it yet. Might change it next week. 

Making Mailers to send out soon =) Squee! 


  1. Been following your blog for a while now. I have really enjoyed seeing your style evolve.
    I think I'd be able to spot your style among others now. Good luck with the fliers.

    1. Thank you very much. I often wonder if anyone looks at my blog and whether it's a good use of my time, but I've now decided it is. If one person could recognise my work because of it, then it's worth it. Kind Thanks.

      Stacey x

  2. Looking good the use of light and colour adds a nice dynamic to your work and when viewed close up the lines of the paper cut are crisp and neat. Your work just gets better :)

    1. Thank you very much, always lovely to hear from you. Hope you and your boy are well =) xx
