Sunday 13 February 2011

Photoshop v.s. paper cut

This is one of my ideas for another YCN brief which I only managed to start yesterday. It's for a whiskey company that want to attract a much younger audience than the one they have now (old men in Scottish pubs apparently). One of the ways they're doing this is through a few new combinations of drink they are promoting. This picture in particular is Whiskey, cranberry, lime and crushed ice so I thought I would give each cocktail a sort of personality with a strong emphasis on colour. I did this in photoshop as I need more practice in the digital field and considered the layers as I would layers of paper. So, in essence this is a plan for my paper cut version. It was fun and simple to do (for once). I'm hoping to start the paper version this week and also another combination of drink =D

Hope everyone has a brilliant week. And Happy Valentine's day for tomorrow. xx


  1. i like this stacey well done, dood concept too, it may make me drink whiskey if it had nice things in it too xx love ma

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment. Glad you've been inspired. Hope your laser induction goes well. Looks like your work will be well suited to this AMAZING technology! :)
