Tuesday 29 March 2011

Paper Cut photography

Lots of very basic photography of one of my paper cuts before I stuck it down. Used a candle and my rubbish little going out camera. Just wanted to try some experiments. I like some a lot more than others, but thought I would show you all of them anyway =)


  1. The part that interest me the most in these pictures are the shadows on the wall, If your going to do photography a kick ass camera is a must, are you able to borrow one from the collage.

    I like the octopus in the previous post the small dots to denote shade is a great touch and the textured paper adds a new level of interest to the paper cut work

  2. Thank you, I'm still exploring ways to change my work and I really like the dots as they seem to add more dimension to the piece.

    I'm hoping my boyfriend is going to teach me how to use a proper camera over the easter break so that when I come back for the summer term I can use photography properly with one of the uni cameras. My favourites are the shadows on the wall too =) I'm gunna use the actual photography studio as well to explore lighting a bit more.
